777 Memorial Dr SE
Atlanta, GA 30316
There are two paid, gated parking decks at Atlanta Dairies. Please note that we are a credit card only facility and are unable to accept cash. Your first hour parked in the deck is free of charge, so fee free to stop by and say hello.
Deck #1 access is between Atlanta Dairies and the RT Dairies Apartments’ front doors on Memorial Drive, or behind the RT Dairies Apartments between Pearl Street and Old Flat Shoals Road.
Deck #2 access is behind the Alta East Apartments on Old Flat Shoals Road.
Enter the garage and pull a ticket. Hold on to this - you will need it to pay as you exit, either at the pedestrian kiosk or at the vehicular gate.
Parking Rates:
up to 1 hour: .……FREE
1-2 hours: ………………..$5
2-3 hours: ……………….$8
3 to 24 Hours: ……….$15
Event Rates: $25 - $35